100 Scope Notes
October 18, 2024 by Amanda MacGregor
I think the best stories are a reflection of life, with all of its messiness, pain, and beauty.
July 18, 2024 by Ally Watkins
My daughter has been a book lover since birth. Even as an infant, she’d settle in her crib only if I read to her from whatever book I happened to have on hand, and she’d start fussing whenever I tried to stop. It became clear to me pretty quickly that I needed a readaloud that […]
July 12, 2024 by Ally Watkins
Deva Fagan: I’ve been a gamer for much of my life, starting on long summer road trips when I drew maps of imaginary worlds and then forced various car-bound family members to explore them at their peril. These days I mostly play videogames and help run Live Action Role Playing (LARP) games. But in today’s […]
May 15, 2024 by Ally Watkins
The Middle-Grade Graphic Novel Elementary-age kids are flocking to the library in droves to check out the latest Dog Man or The Baby-Sitters Club graphic novel. All kinds of kids with all kinds of hobbies are interested in reading graphic novels. The format is gaining popularity at an extraordinary rate. Why is this? There are […]
May 26, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
It was important to me that as Ruby and Guy came up against terrible forces—corruption, violence, exploitation—they still never lose their sense of hope.
October 12, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
How the Dark Night of the Soul went on for over a year and brought challenges, revelations, and setbacks while writing.
February 13, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
If we’re going to keep writing white protagonists, we need white protagonists to reckon with race — not as something they aren’t, but as something they are.
February 4, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
Catherine LInka joins us to talk about her new book, chipping away at the stigma of homelessness, and reconsidering the words we use to talk about people experiencing homelessness.
September 26, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
The author of THE SPEED OF FALLING OBJECTS joins us to talk about doubt, self-perception, and the valuing in sharing your own struggles.
June 18, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
YA author Amber Smith talks about the constantly twisting road that led her to being out, happy, loved, and incredibly proud of the life she's created.
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