Thinking about doing a community-wide read for teens? You could create a list of companion books for teens inspired by an adult selection like the St. Joseph County Public Libraries did, you could select a book specifically for your teens, or you could encourage the whole community to dive into teen lit by selecting a YA […]
Take 5: Memoirs on writing to hand to aspiring teen authors
Reader's Advisor, Reader's Advisory, Reading, Take 5, Writing
|“How do you become an author?” We’ve heard teens ask that question every time they meet an author – published, famous, or neither. And we’ve all heard the answer too: read. Read everything. Read more. No, even more than that. Reading is essential. But more than novels, teens who are firmly dedicated to the writing life […]
As a librarian, I’ve always tried to champion the reluctant readers. I’ve worked to provide a wide variety of reading material in my collection development ranges – everything from high interest low level books, to compelling nonfiction, to fiction told by and about diverse voices, to comics, image heavy browsing books, and more. When parents would […]
“Librarians are how libraries speak.” ~ The Bloggess
Community, Compassion, Reader's Advisory, Sunday Reflections
|I’ve had a deep, abiding love for the writing of Jenny Lawson, aka The Bloggess, ever since she introduced the world to Beyonce, the giant metal chicken, and now it turns out she loves me too. And you. And you. (It’s a few weeks old, but read it now if you haven’t yet.) Makes your heart […]
Conversation hearts: they’re the Magic 8 Ball of Valentine’s Day, and today we’re using them to predict your perfect Valentine’s Day book match for the 3rd year in a row. Candy heart images are all created on Cryptogram if you need to print some out for your own book displays. I’ll Give You the Sun […]
Dear Well Meaning Adult, Maybe you’re a relative, maybe you’re a friend, but no matter what, it is so awesome that you want to buy books for teens this holiday season. If you don’t mind, can I give you a few tips about how to buy books that these teens that you so clearly care […]
Five by Five: 5 Speculative Fiction and 5 Contemporary Fiction Books that Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fans Should Read
Buffy, Collection Development, Reader's Advisory, Sunnydale Project
|As a Buffy fan, I will often finish a book and think to myself, that would be a great book for Buffy fans. Sometimes the connections are obvious – vampires, zombies and demons, oh my! Sometimes it has more to do with the tone or the characters. The cast of Buffy had a certain snark […]
Take 5: Karen’s TBR Pile (I’ll Show You Mine if You’ll Show Me Yours)
Collection Development, Elizabeth Scott, Heartbeat, Internet, Made for You, Mellisa Marr, Reader's Advisory, Stalking, Survival, TBR
|We have come to the point in my year when I have fallen behind in reading the books in my TBR pile. This seems to be a yearly event, maybe I should celebrate with balloons and cake. Please tell me I’m not the only one behind on my reading . . . Anyhow, I thought […]
Earlier this month it was revealed that the football program at Sayreville in New Jersey was suspended due to allegations that the team was engaging in horrific acts of hazing that included sexually abusing their team mates. Hazing asks – forces, requires – people to do embarrassing or dangerous acts in order for them to […]
Take 5: YA Horror 2014
Afterworlds, Amity, Collection Development, Daniel Kraus, Edgar Allan Poe, Horror, Poe, Reader's Advisory, Scott Westerfeld, Take 5
|It’s October, which means everything is pumpkin flavored or scented and you can’t change the channel without running across a horror movie. While I’m not big on horror movies – I haven’t been able to watch them ever since I saw The Ring because if the scary isn’t going to stay inside the TV box […]