March 19, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
So I’m flipping through my February 2014 issue of VOYA Magazine and I see a head-shot of author Mindy McGinnis – what is she doing there I wonder? Her book, Not a Drop to Drink (I’m a fan), is mentioned as being an example of CliFi. Wait – what is this CliFi thing? You know […]
April 22, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
It’s Earth Day! Today is a day when we remember that we all share this big Earth and that many of its resources are, in fact, limited. As you drive wherever you are going today (all though a good Earth day guru would ride a bike or walk), take a moment to look at all […]
November 9, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you spend any time looking at the 40 Developmental Assets (which you should), you’ll note that several of them touch on the idea that teens want (and need) to have a sense of purpose and feeling of control over their lives and futures; they need to know that they can have a positive influence […]
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