August 28, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A lot of people ask me about the specter of rape in NOT A DROP TO DRINK. While you’ll never find the actual word anywhere in the text, it hangs over the whole like a storm about to break. Lynn, Mother and Neva all express their fears in different ways, but each one of them […]
July 31, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
For the next #SVYALit Project Google Hangout On Air, we’re going to look at what happens when the world falls apart: post apocalyptic and dystopian fiction. It’s the End of the World as We Know It, what we can learn about current issues surrounding sexual violence through dystopian/post apocalyptic fiction Date:September 24th (Noon Eastern) Confirmed: […]
April 8, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Earlier today author Mindy McGinnis (Not a Drop to Drink, In a Handful of Dust) and I presented at TLA on the ways that you can use social media to get teens connected with authors and invested in a rich, rewarding, and affirming reading community. You can read the initial post here. And here is […]
March 19, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
So I’m flipping through my February 2014 issue of VOYA Magazine and I see a head-shot of author Mindy McGinnis – what is she doing there I wonder? Her book, Not a Drop to Drink (I’m a fan), is mentioned as being an example of CliFi. Wait – what is this CliFi thing? You know […]
September 17, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Like many readers, I am obsessed with the apocalypse in any form. I’m pretty sure my obsession began way back when I read The Stand by Stephen King. Earlier this year, I was introduced to Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis, a post-apocalyptic thriller that asks us to imagine a world where water […]
July 11, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Last week Heather, Christie and I went to ALA in Chicago. It was epic! Top LtoR: Karen & Christie, author Sharon Biggs Waller, Vordak, author Jonathan Maberry 2nd Row LtoR: author Cory Doctorow, author S. J. Adams and Christie, Free Comic Book Day Panel, Heather Booth reading Rose Under Fire 3rd Row LtoR: author Mindy […]
May 13, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
There was a time when NUCLEAR WAR was the thing we feared most. People built bomb shelters outside their homes and prepared for the day when THE BIG ONE would be dropped. As a kid, I remember begging to stay up one school night and watch a TV movie called The Day After. Whatever you […]
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