March 5, 2023 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen librarian and parent Karen Jensen talks about LGBTQ representation in our libraries
July 31, 2022 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen librarian Karen Jensen talks about her recent visits to the Holocaust museum and reading The Assignment with her youngest teen
June 26, 2022 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen librarian Karen Jensen talks about parenting an LGBTQ teen in this time of book bans
August 8, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen librarian Karen Jensen reflects on the ending of high school and the beginning of college as a mother during a deadly global pandemic
July 11, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
TLT creator Karen Jensen looks back and looks forward as Teen Librarian Toolbox kicks of a week of celebration in honor of their 10 year birthday!
November 22, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
What impact will charges of rampant corruption and voter fraud have on our most vulnerable youth moving forward?
July 12, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
What - or who - are we sacrificing if we re-open our school buildings in the fall during a pandemic?
February 23, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Reflecting on 9 years of Sunday Reflections. On a Sunday, of course.
February 9, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you are an adult who works with you, please consider how the way you talk about your body and diet can have a negative impact on the youth you serve.
November 10, 2019 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A personal medical emergency and reflections on trauma informed librarianship.
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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