September 16, 2015 by Heather Booth
As a librarian, I’ve always tried to champion the reluctant readers. I’ve worked to provide a wide variety of reading material in my collection development ranges – everything from high interest low level books, to compelling nonfiction, to fiction told by and about diverse voices, to comics, image heavy browsing books, and more. When parents would […]
July 13, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I dislike participating in the SRP program with my own kids. I know, it sounds horrible. I cajole and prod during the school year and do my best to keep up with the paperwork, and by summer, my energy for the tedious tracking is gone. And my daughter’s energy for sustained, monitored engagement is as well. […]
June 15, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’ve mentioned it before, but The Tween has had some difficulties with a neighborhood girl. For a while they were really close friends, but things fell apart. I recently was having a discussion with her mom when I told her this story: The other Sunday I came home from work and The Mr. informed me […]
June 12, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A long time ago, I sat at a lecture where the speaker said, “Don’t be afraid to tell your kids ‘I love you, but no’. This is the very best gift that you can ever give them. It is the gift of security, of them knowing that someone is driving the bus.” I think about […]
Good Comics for Kids
by Brigid Alverson
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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