Sunday Reflections: True confessions of a #seriesslacker
Have you ever started a series and just never finished it? If you answered yes, then you are a series slacker.
This recently came up on Twitter. Christie called me out because I have started reading several series and just never finished them. And it turns out, there are a lot.
Beautiful Creatures
The Mortal Instruments
The list goes on.
It is possible that the only series I have finished are Harry Potter and Twilight.
It’s not that I didn’t even like the series, it’s just that a bunch of other books came out in between and I fell behind. I don’t know about you, but my TBR (to be read list) is always longer than the actual amount of time that I have in my life.
Sometimes, of course, I don’t finish because I simply decide I don’t like the series. To be honest, I never even finished book 1 of Beautiful Creatures. But I really liked the movie and might try it again.
I have heard some people talk about waiting until a complete series is written before even reading book 1. They do this because they don’t want to wait in between titles, which makes complete sense when you have just picked up book 2 which has come out a year later and you can’t remember the details of book 1. I wonder how many people actually do this?
Christie, however, apparently believes very strongly in finishing a series.
So for fun today, share with us either in the comments or on Twitter (#seriesslacker) if you are a series slacker and what series you haven’t finished reading (yet).
Filed under: Reading, Series, Series Slacker, Sunday Reflections, True Confessions

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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A definite series slacker. But I think I have to be. I feel like my job as a school librarian requires me to read as widely as possible. When a kid comes in,and asks, I want to be read to recommend. So, sometimes I'll read a new book rather than the next one in the series. I'm going to finish all those series when I retire!!
Ha — I made a Goodreads shelf called “Series I Am In the Middle Of” and it was horrifyingly long.
I can't finish every series. I try to sample as many as I can.
You can find me here: Jen @ YA Romantics
I love to read series, but I often get bored after three or four books. Also, in series that are published in rapid succession (as opposed to the HP books), the quality often drops off quickly….so then I'm not inclined to read on. BTW, I had the same problem with Beautiful Creatures although I did manage to finish the first one; I just wasn't into it enough to read on.
I almost never finish series – rarely make it past the second book. I get bored and want to move on, plus the issue of reading as widely as possible for RA doesn't leave much room for endless series. I didn't even finish Harry Potter.