April 28, 2016 by Heather Booth
“How do you become an author?” We’ve heard teens ask that question every time they meet an author – published, famous, or neither. And we’ve all heard the answer too: read. Read everything. Read more. No, even more than that. Reading is essential. But more than novels, teens who are firmly dedicated to the writing life […]
March 15, 2015 by Robin Willis
Every piece of recent research points to the fact that, above all else, freedom of choice is the key to engaging children with reading and turning them into lifelong learners. And not just choice of reading material, although that is of primary importance, but choice of what to read, when to read, how to read, […]
January 12, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I may have looked normal growing up, but I never really felt normal, if that makes any sense. I really doubt anyone does feel “normal”, but I was definitely a book lover from an early age. We have pictures of me reading everywhere- to my newborn baby brother, in campers, in the backyard, in the […]
May 26, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Have you ever started a series and just never finished it? If you answered yes, then you are a series slacker. This recently came up on Twitter. Christie called me out because I have started reading several series and just never finished them. And it turns out, there are a lot. Beautiful CreaturesThe Mortal Instruments […]
January 28, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A lock-in can be extremely rewarding for teens and libraries if done the proper way. You, the teen services specialist, need buy in not only from your teens (which is relatively easy- I mean, if you don’t have teens clamoring to stay all night in the library, email me, we need to talk), but also […]
September 24, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today, ya author of Tap Out and high school teacher Eric Devine presents a guest post on getting boys to read. As you know, trying to turn teenage boys into readers can be a challenge. So Eric sat down with the boys in his class and asked them what they wanted in the books that […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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