Doctor Who: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told (Spoilers)
Amy Pond, Doctor Who, Rory Williams, The Angels Take Manhattan
|WARNING: There are serious spoilers in this post regarding the story of Amelia Pond and Rory Williams. DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU HAVE NOT YET WATCHED THEIR FULL STORY ARC. I like to pretend that I am not at all romantic, but the truth is – I am in love with the idea […]
A fun question to ask writers or readers is: “If you could meet any writer, living or dead, who would it be?” For most of us, that’s at least partly a hypothetical question. At best, you can see deceased writers’ homes and see their original manuscripts in rare books collections of libraries. For the Doctor […]
More YA Lit for Doctor Who Fans
Collection Development, Doctor Who, Reader's Advisory, Rick Yancey, The 5th Wave
|Because I have now spent 20 years of my life doing Reader’s Advisory, when I read a book I have a tendency at the end to then think to myself, “Now who would like this book?” And I have some go to pop culture references in part because they are the things that I love. […]
Travels in Space and Time (Without Leaving the Sofa): Reflections on a Life Lived in the Company of Doctor Who, a guest post by author Mike A. Lancaster
Doctor Who, Human.4, Mike Lancaster, The Future We Left Behind
|Illustration by Meryl Lancaster 1. First Contact In my earliest memories he’s there: The Doctor. That renegade Timelord who spends his days battling evil across the universe armed only with a sonic screwdriver. The lunatic in the blue box. The alien being who saves earth again and again. My […]
Book Character Artwork & GIVEAWAY by Kristen I am new in my love and adoration for the Doctor. It’s only been within this last year that I have fully immersed myself in the show and really gotten to understand why so many people close to me love it so thoroughly. The first episode I saw […]
As part of my Doctor Who Week extravaganza, I invited my friend Sherry to chat with me about our favorite episodes from each year since Doctor Who restarted in 2005. My thoughts will be in regular text and Sherry’s in italics. Enjoy! Series One post, where we discuss our favorite Eccleston episodes. Series Two post, […]
Made by Karen My mother loves Doctor Who. Not just new, fancy special effects Doctor Who. She also loves original, black and white Doctor Who. How obsessed is my mother with the show? Not only is she the former president of a Doctor Who fan club, but the inside of her garage has been painted to […]
Maria Selke as Doctor 9 Deciding on the perfect Halloween costume is generally a “Big Deal” in my house. My boys often end up picking pre-made costumes, but it’s never an easy process. So when they decreed that this would be the “Year of The Doctor”, I have to admit to getting a wee bit […]
As part of my Doctor Who Week extravaganza, I invited my friend Sherry to chat with me about our favorite episodes from each year since Doctor Who restarted in 2005. My thoughts will be in regular text and Sherry’s in italics. Enjoy! Strangely enough, this was a hard series to choose favorites. I had a […]
Here’s the deal. I only pretend I am crafty for library programming. But a month before Halloween we were standing there in the thrift store – always a great place to get cheap crafting supplies – and there was the perfect Tardis blue t-shirt. So I figured there had to be a way I could […]