May 15, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Let me preface this by saying I love my job. Really. When I imagine a world in which I needed to choose a different job, even the same job in a different library, I end up just sitting there with a puzzled look on my face as if I didn’t understand the question. I. Love. […]
April 28, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
We are excited to welcome the fabulous Stephanie Wilkes back to TLT after her maternity leave. We have missed her. Today she is sharing with you her first ever installment of Things I Never Learned in Library School. How to do crafts. Or in my case, crapfts. I completely suck at being an artsy fartsy […]
February 24, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
As you may have heard, in 2008 the economy of the U.S. went boom. Or maybe it went bust. Either way, the proverbial crapola hit the fan. Having worked in libraries for a while already at this point, I was used to campaigns begging community members to contact their local congressman and tell them they […]
January 1, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Like most librarians, I stumbled into librarianship and worked as a paraprofessional for many years before getting my MLS. I was very lucky in that I had an amazing mentor to help me in my journey. But even with my MLS, there are things that come up that surprise and challenge me as a professional […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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