January 21, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Every month Early Word hosts a Twitter chat for YA librarians and readers to gather together and discuss upcoming titles. You can follow the hashtag #ewyagc to see yesterday’s discussion. Or you can check out the handy Storified version of the conversation. What is Early Word? It’s an online tool for collection development and reader’s […]
October 16, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
New technology allows us to invent new words. Here are some of mine for Twitter. Twitterhunt: verb and noun; when you find yourself at the end of a rant and you have to hunt through someone’s timeline to find the beginning so you understand just what they are ranting about. Example: When I stumble upon […]
August 25, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
People love to hate what they don’t understand. In the years that it has been a vibrant social media platform, I’ve heard a lot of criticism of Twitter. Who can say anything of import in 140 characters? It dumbs down media to the soundbite. It’s just people posting what they had for lunch. And yes, […]
May 27, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Tomorrow, May 28th, Death, Dickinson, and the Demented Life of Frenchie Garcia by Jenny Torres Sanchez is released (Running Kids Press). This was one of the best books I have read so far in 2013. In fact, it was for me a 5 star book. Jenny has agreed to do a Twitter chat with us […]
May 19, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
When Eleanor from Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell, with her out of control curly red hair and poor, holey clothes covered in scraps of cloth, first steps on the bust at her new school, the teens immediately judge her and deem her unworthy. They then go on to torment and bully her. When Meg […]
December 28, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Christmas is over so I won’t bore you with my witty intro that makes the song get stuck in your brain (mmmm . . . brains!) No, I’ll just dive right into it. These are my favorite things.Collection Development Tools: Netgalley/Edelweiss I work at a smaller library now, and run a blog, so I really […]
November 23, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
It all began because Kearsten, the teen services librarian at Glendale Public Library in Arizona, Tweeted us a picture of a display she put together. More accurately, she came up with the idea and her teen volunteers helped her put the display together. It was simple really, but genius. Her teens held up a fake […]
March 29, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I am fairly new to the Twitterverse, and fairly addicted. It’s mostly Maureen Johnson’s fault (that woman is split your sides funny, you should definitely follow her). An avid Facebook user for years, I had no idea how rich the book culture was on Twitter. Here are 10 reasons why you should be on Twitter. […]
January 9, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I always blog wearing a tiara 🙂 Contests: They are simple and fun ways to keep your teens engaged. They generate repeat business. They help you appeal to a wide variety of interests. In short, they work for teen librarians. Last week we discussed why I love them and I shared one of my favorite […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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