August 15, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover How many times have we heard this phrase? In my latest novel, Some Boys, main character Grace Collier tells her best friends what Zac McMahon did to her that night at a party. Zac McMahon, captain of the lacrosse team, movie-star gorgeous and Mr. popular. Grace wears sexy […]
August 8, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Some Boys by Patty Blount is the story of a girl who is raped by a school sports star, Zac, and then is ostracized by everyone around her and branded a slut. It is a familiar story, we hear about it far too often in the press. It’s an important story, reminding us that we […]
May 23, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
There’s a t-shirt popular among writers that says, “Writers block: when your imaginary friends won’t talk to you.” (Note to self: buy t-shirt.) It’s a well-accepted fact that writers are probably the only group of people who DON’T panic when they hear voices in their minds. At any given time, there are about half a […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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