June 11, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Gender is something that we typically think of in binary and often stereotypical terms. Most people continue to divide people up into either male or female and if we’re going to be honest, most of us have certain thoughts in our minds as to what it means to be female or male. We even have […]
April 26, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I have such conflicted feelings about this year’s superhero themed Summer Reading Club. As a big superhero fan myself, I was at first incredibly excited. But the truth is, for those of us raising daughters or working with the female gender – which coincidentally makes up half of the population – it’s a bit of […]
March 29, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I was walking by my YA room when I saw a staff member searching the shelves for something, so I went down and asked what she was looking for. It turned out, she was looking for inspiration for a new display. So after some talking we decided that we would do a Women’s History Month […]
August 17, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you search on Goodreads, this is the tag line for the book Some Boys by Patty Blount: Some boys go too far. Some boys will break your heart. But one boy can make you whole. There are things I really liked about this book, including an on point speech by the main character, Grace, […]
August 7, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’m a 36-year-old, cisgendered, heterosexual, white male, who writes Young Adult novels that are boy-centric, and I’m bothered by the slim definition of what it means to be a man. I was raised under very stereotypical precepts about manhood, and I was always bothered by them. Instead of watching sports, I read. Shyness overtook bravery. […]
August 1, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
When The Tween was born, 12 years ago this month *sniff sniff*, The Mr. and I went out of our way to try and find non-pink baby things. We bought a very cool green blanket with giraffes and the lyrics to Yesterday, because we are that cool. But the truth is, she had a lot […]
March 18, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Check out the series About the Girl over at Stacked If you read enough YA lit, you might start to come to a few interesting conclusions: 1. Teens only have 1 relationship, romantic ones. Especially if you are a teenage girl. 2. Relationships only have one goal, which is sex. For some reason, as Cory […]
March 11, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Look, no one is expecting the Oscars when it comes to the MTV Movie Awards. And in the history of MTV it is no secret that it is often unkind to women, at least it reflects the world’s often unkindness towards women. In fact, in the music world more than anywhere you can often see […]
March 10, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
http://www.achilleseffect.com/2011/03/word-cloud-how-toy-ad-vocabulary-reinforces-gender-stereotypes/ So, I’m going through a wonderful online galley request site, and scanning through new books (YEA BOOKS- BOO addition and adding to my growing reading pile), and saw this cover and read the blurb. The Guy’s Guide will encourage your faith, challenge you spiritually, and give you real-life advice how to live out your […]
July 22, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Please read this note about the comments: I wrote this post with the intention that we would consider how we talk to and about people, and that we consider doing so with respect. I ask that if you comment, that you please comment respectfully. Comments calling people or people groups names, using curse words, etc. will be […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
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