September 14, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The Tween was in the second grade when she came home and told me about a Kindergartner at her school that had died. His father, she said, beat him to death. She said she heard the older kids talking about it at school so I searched online to find out if it was true. Sadly, […]
February 5, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
February is not just about romance, it is also a month dedicated to raising awareness about teen dating violence. One study indicated that 25% of 8th and 9th graders reported that they had been victims of dating violence. Here are some YA lit titles on the topic to help raise awareness and start discussions. Bitter […]
January 10, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This will not be your ordinary book review, because I need to talk to you about not only my thoughts as a librarian, but as a reader. Read the whole review, because this was quite the reading journey and my initial reaction changed drastically as I read on. If you follow me on Twitter (@tlt16), […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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