August 28, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A lot of people ask me about the specter of rape in NOT A DROP TO DRINK. While you’ll never find the actual word anywhere in the text, it hangs over the whole like a storm about to break. Lynn, Mother and Neva all express their fears in different ways, but each one of them […]
August 16, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This week has been interesting. One of the two water mains broke in my town Monday night, causing us to massively conserve water on Tuesday (it’s now fixed). A storm came through on Tuesday, and knocked down tree limbs that took out my power on Wednesday. I have a teen lock-in tonight into tomorrow […]
June 3, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
As a zombie fan, I have posted here about zombies multiple times. In preparation for October, I thought I would put them all in one place for you. I am very considerate like that. See, I care about you. They include fun booklists, programming ideas. and a discussion I had with my then pre-teen daughter […]
May 13, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
There was a time when NUCLEAR WAR was the thing we feared most. People built bomb shelters outside their homes and prepared for the day when THE BIG ONE would be dropped. As a kid, I remember begging to stay up one school night and watch a TV movie called The Day After. Whatever you […]
January 2, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The Mr. will make this shocked face! The Challenge This is the true story of how the following post came to be. Earlier this year, Lois Lowry did a guest post here at TLT and I went home exploding in excitement to my husband. “Who’s Lois Lowry?”, he asked. So, after realizing that I […]
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