100 Scope Notes
Karen Jensen, MLS, August 15, 2014 | #SVYALit, #SVYALit Project, Patty Blount, Some Boys
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover How many times have we heard this phrase? In my latest novel, Some Boys, main character Grace Collier tells her best friends what Zac McMahon did to her that night at a party. Zac McMahon, captain of the lacrosse team, movie-star gorgeous and Mr. popular. Grace wears sexy […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, July 14, 2014 | Bad Magic, Pseudonymous Bosch
Clay is a go along to get along kind of guy. Almost thirteen, he is a fairly typical adolescent; he likes to skateboard, wears hoodies, and has a sustained interest in graffiti style art. Not that he would ever do something illegal, like tag a building, but he does like to practice and the walls […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, January 6, 2014 | Fanfiction, Frankie Brown, Sherlock
Image Source: I Want to be a Pin Up w/Sherlock Fanfic Recs People like to call fiction — especially fanfiction — escapism, as if that’s a bad thing. Fiction does let you escape yourself, but that’s wonderful if inside yourself is sometimes a scary place to be. Fiction has always been my therapy. Nothing is […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, October 24, 2013 | American Horror Story, Boys, Coven, Incest, Sexual Abuse, Violence
Please note: The following conversation will contain spoilers for American Horror Story. Consider yourself warned. Also, this is a very sensitive discussion so there may be trigger warnings. Click to continue. I broke up with American Horror Story in the first season. It is, in fact, too much for me. But I find the main […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, March 14, 2013 | Book Clubs, Born of Illusion, Teen Programming, Teri Brown, Uncategorized
When I set out to run a book club for teens at a community center in a low income apartment complex, I thought it would be a piece of cake. I know, I know. Naïve much? At the time, I was working fifteen hours a week for the children’s program at Community Partners of […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, July 18, 2012 | Uncategorized
At ALA, I happened to pick up a ton of middle grade reads. Generally, this is not an area which I consider myself very well read but I was thrilled to get my hands on these ARCs and even more excited that I actually really liked them! Since some of them don’t come out for […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, June 22, 2012 | Book Reviews, Jennifer Brown, Perfect Escape
I am a reader and a librarian, but I am also an aunt. My sister-in-law has 4 boys, 3 of whom are autistic. I remember once taking the “typical” sibling to a pizza place for dinner and he looked around in awe and wonder; it was almost like he had just entered Disneyland for the […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, June 7, 2012 | Anne Greenwood Brown, Lies Beneath, Writing, YA Lit
The birth of a guest blog post: The other day author Anne Greenwood Brown tweeted that she had nothing to write that day and I, seeing an open door, tweeted back: “Why don’t you write a guest blog post ::cough:: Wait, did I say that out loud?” And she said, “What about?” To which I […]
Amanda MacGregor, June 11, 2019 | new books
Lots to love in this rundown of forthcoming books from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. I can't wait to read the new books by Don Brown and Tamara Moss. How about you?
Amanda MacGregor, September 29, 2022 | Book Reviews
Quick reviews of 7 graphic novels and 4 novels.
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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