Just as they make our lives richer, I think these creatures will make our bookshelves richer, too—richer, wilder, and ever so much more interesting.
What we aimed to do with BROOMS was to bring the focus on a cast of characters who are culturally diverse, who’ve been forced to the margins of society, and that don’t conform to a single rigid magic system.
I hope the proliferation of fantasy books grounded in African societies will create familiarity for readers and a new shorthand. I hope it will inspire readers to learn more about the real places and people that underpin the stories.
The immense things within us—the things that feel as tumultuous and terrible as nature’s great storms—they can be faced, they can be beaten, they can be healed.
If we as adults (and authors) can’t give our kids a world that makes any sense, the least we can do is let them play in one.
Nightbirds is a fiercely feminist fantasy: a potent cocktail full of intrigue and glamor, but also questions about girls trying to claim their power and find their voices.
Somewhere, in this storm, we need relief. We need a soft place to land. For me, books have always been comfort, companions, and escape.
This fascinating story of adventure, truth, and impossible tasks will keep readers riveted as they follow the Youngers to places they never thought they'd visit. An excellent read.
An excellent story about truth, betrayal, responsibility, and consequences. A fantastic read.
Stories, perhaps, are what truly distinguish humans from every other creature on our planet. Stories, sometimes, are what save us.