Maker Bookshelf, the next step in our Maker journey at The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County
A few weeks ago, I announced that we were organizing a Maker Collection of materials that we will circulate at The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County. It is one of three things we are doing to better incorporate the Maker movement into our library.
This is the process we went through to establish the collection.
1. Collection Codes and Definitions
Before we began, we had to figure out the technical aspects of starting a new collection. This meant discussing things like collection codes, spine labels, circulation periods, etc. We use Polaris and it was pretty easy for our Tech Services staff to put together the necessary collection codes for us. We decided to label them MS for MakerSpace and TS created special spine labels for them. This first step was actually the easiest part of the entire process.
2. Evaluating the Current Collection
Next we began actually trying to build the collection. The first thing we did was to go through all the items we actually had on the shelves and decide if we wanted to keep them where they were or re-catalog them and move them to the MS collection. We discovered we had quite a few titles on hand that we felt could easily fit into this collection and we pulled them. As I type this TS in the process of re-cataloging them for us (thank you TS!)
3. Researching New Items
The next part of the process involved research, but since we are librarians we’re actually pretty good at this. We began with the recent SLJ Maker Shelf list and went from there. Another great resource are the books published by Make which you can find at Make Zine. I then created a very extensive wishlist of books using Amazon. It ended up being rather large. I printed off a copy of the list for multiple people and then the head of Children’s and I sat down and went through the list title by title to evaluate them. One of the first things we looked at was, of course, publication date. Beyond that we wanted to make sure we had a variety of topics covered. The topics we are looking to include in our Maker collection include: Coding, Electronics, Robotics, Engineering, Digital Photography, Movie Making, Making, Tinkering, etc.
4. Discussing Goals and Definitions, Again
We had a rather lengthy discussion about the crafting section and decided that due to it’s size, we would leave it for the time being where it was because the shelf space that we have for the Maker collection would not accommodate the number of titles we currently have in the J nonfiction collection that deal with arts and crafts. I personally am a big proponent of arts and crafts and feel like this is a valid part of the maker movement, but in the end we had to select some specific, targeted goals and boundaries because of the space we had available to us.
5. Building the New Collection
In the end, we ordered a pretty decent number of titles for this new collection (which I have conveniently shared with you below thanks in no small part to the kind generosity of TLTer Robin Willis – thank you Robin!).
Note: The list below includes items that we ordered for the Maker collection and items that we ordered to put into our Circulating Maker Kits (CMKs).
As you can tell, this is a work in progress. And if you ask me, it’s an exciting and very fulfilling work in progress. A lot of people have worked hard to try and make all this happen and it has been fun, informative, and very professionally fulfilling. I believe we are doing good things for our local community, and that basically rocks.
Maker Collection Booklist:
Stopmotion Explosion: Animate Anything and Make Movies- Epic Films for $20 or Less by Nate Eckerson
Brick Flicks: A Comprehensive Guide to Making Your Own Stop-Motion LEGO Movies by Sarah Herman
The Kids’ Guide to Digital Photography: How to Shoot, Save, Play with & Print Your Digital Photos by Jenni Bidner
The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers by Hatch, Mark
Totally Awesome Rubber Band Jewelry: Make Bracelets, Rings, Belts & More with Rainbow Loom(R), Cra-Z-Loom(TM), or FunLoom(TM) by Colleen Dorsey
Robot Building for Teens by Behnam Salemi
Kids Inventing! A Handbook for Young Inventors by Susan Casey
Fundamentals of Robotics: Fun for parents and children (Robots For Children) (Volume 1) by Prof Charria
101 Mixed Media Techniques: Master the fundamental concepts of mixed media art by Cherril Doty, Suzette Rosenthal, Isaac Anderson
Drawing Comics Lab: 52 Exercises on Characters, Panels, Storytelling, Publishing & Professional Practices (Lab Series) by Robyn Chapman
Creative Photography Lab: 52 Fun Exercises for Developing Self-Expression with your Camera. Includes 6 Mixed-Media Projects (Lab Series) by Steve Sonheim, Carla Sonheim
Print & Stamp Lab: 52 Ideas for Handmade, Upcycled Print Tools (Lab Series) by Traci Bunkers
Collage Lab: Experiments, Investigations, and Exploratory Projects (Lab Series) by Bee Shay
Art Lab for Little Kids: 52 Playful Projects for Preschoolers (Lab Series) by Susan Schwake, Rainer Schwake
Paint Lab: 52 Exercises inspired by Artists, Materials, Time, Place, and Method (Lab Series) by Deborah Forman
Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists: 52 Creative Exercises to Make Drawing Fun (Lab Series) by Carla Sonheim
Art Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Adventures in Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Paper, and Mixed Media-For Budding Artists of All Ages (Lab Series) by Susan Schwake, Rainer Schwake
The Loomatic’s Interactive Guide to the Rainbow Loom by Suzanne M. Peterson
Loom Band It: 60 Rubberband Projects for the Budding Loomineer by Kat Roberts, Tessa Sillars-Powell
Brick City: Global Icons to Make from LEGO (Brick…LEGO Series) by Warren Elsmore
The Art of LEGO Design: Creative Ways to Build Amazing Models by Jordan Schwartz
Brick Vehicles: Amazing Air, Land, and Sea Machines to Build from LEGO® by Warren Elsmore
The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 2: Spaceships, Pirates, Dragons & More! by Megan H. Rothrock
The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide (Now in Color!) by Allan Bedford
The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1: Cars, Castles, Dinosaurs & More! by Megan H. Rothrock
Make: The Makerspace Workbench: Tools, Technologies, and Techniques for Making by Adam Kemp
Zero to Maker: Learn (Just Enough) to Make (Just About) Anything by David Lang
Arduino for Beginners: Essential Skills Every Maker Needs by John Baichtal
The Best of Instructables Volume I: Do-It-Yourself Projects from the World’s Biggest Show & Tell (v. 1) by The editors at MAKE magazine and Instructables. com
Unscrewed: Salvage and Reuse Motors, Gears, Switches, and More from Your Old Electronics by Ed Sobey
Life Hacks: Any Procedure or Action That Solves a Problem, Simplifies a Task, Reduces Frustration, Etc. in One’s Everyday Life by Keith Bradford
The Big Book of Maker Skills (Popular Science): 200+ Tools & Techniques for Building Great Tech Projects by Chris Hackett
The Big Book of Maker Skills (Popular Science): Tools & Techniques for Building Great Tech Projects by Chris Hackett
The Big Book of Hacks: 264 Amazing DIY Tech Projects by Doug Cantor
62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer: (And Other Discarded Electronics) by Randy Sarafan
Boomerangs: How to Make and Throw Them by Bernard S. Mason
The Paper Boomerang Book: Build Them, Throw Them, and Get Them to Return Every Time (Science in Motion) by Mark Latno
Papertoy Monsters: 50 Cool Papertoys You Can Make Yourself! by Brian Castleforte, Netta Rabin, Robert James
Making Things Move DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists by Dustyn Roberts
Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions: You Can Build Yourself (Build It Yourself) by Maxine Anderson
Karakuri: How to Make Mechanical Paper Models That Move by Keisuke Saka, Eri Hamaji
The Art of Tinkering by Karen Wilkinson, Mike Petrich
LEGO Chain Reactions: Design and build amazing moving machines (Klutz S) by Pat Murphy and the Scientists of Klutz Labs
Kinetic Contraptions: Build a Hovercraft, Airboat, and More with a Hobby Motor by Curt Gabrielson
Make: More Electronics: Journey Deep Into the World of Logic Chips, Amplifiers, Sensors, and Randomicity by Charles Platt
Programming Arduino: Getting Started With Sketches by Monk Simon
Make: Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA: Making Wearables with an Arduino-Compatible Electronics Platform by Becky Stern, Tyler Cooper
Make: Wearable Electronics: Design, prototype, and wear your own interactive garments by Kate Hartman
JunkBots, Bugbots, and Bots on Wheels: Building Simple Robots With BEAM Technology by David Hrynkiw, Mark Tilden
Make an Arduino-Controlled Robot (Make: Projects) by Michael Margolis
Make a Raspberry Pi-Controlled Robot: Building a Rover with Python, Linux, Motors, and Sensors by Wolfram Donat
Robot Builder: The Beginner’s Guide to Building Robots by John Baichtal
Make: Basic Arduino Projects: 26 Experiments with Microcontrollers and Electronics by Don Wilcher
The Best of Make: (Make 75 Projects from the pages of MAKE) by Mark Frauenfelder, Gareth Branwyn
Make: Electronics (Learning by Discovery) by Charles Platt
Make: Sensors: A Hands-On Primer for Monitoring the Real World with Arduino and Raspberry Pi by Tero Karvinen, Kimmo Karvinen, Ville Valtokari
Robot Builder’s Bonanza, 4th Edition by Gordon McComb
Make: The Maker’s Manual: A Practical Guide to the New Industrial Revolution by Paolo Aliverti, Andrea Maietta, Patrick Di Justo
Making Makers: Kids, Tools, and the Future of Innovation by AnnMarie Thomas
Make: Tinkering: Kids Learn by Making Stuff by Curt Gabrielson
Make: Getting Started with littleBits: Prototyping and Inventing with Modular Electronics by Ayah Bdeir, Matt Richardson
Making Simple Robots: Exploring Cutting-Edge Robotics with Everyday Stuff by Kathy Ceceri
Make: Getting Started with Sensors: Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi by Kimmo Karvinen, Tero Karvinen
Kodu for Kids: The Official Guide to Creating Your Own Video Games by James Floyd Kelly
Video Game Programming for Kids by Jonathan S. Harbour
Teach Your Kids to Code: A Parent-Friendly Guide to Python Programming by Bryson Payne
Super Scratch Programming Adventure! (Covers Version 2): Learn to Program by Making Cool Games by The LEAD Project
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition by Al Sweigart
Java Programming for Kids: Learn Java Step By Step and Build Your Own Interactive Calculator for Fun! (Java for Beginners) by R. Chandler Thompson
Adventures in Minecraft by David Whale, Martin O’Hanlon
Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming by Jason R. Briggs
Learn to Program with Scratch: A Visual Introduction to Programming with Games, Art, Science, and Math by Majed Marji
Doc Fizzix Mousetrap Racers | 14.20 | 9781565233591 | |
Make | 11.99 | 9781457186707 | |
Rosie Revere Engineer | 13.31 | 9781419708459 | |
How to Make a Movie in 10 Easy Lessons | 7.19 | 9781633220126 | |
Python for Kids | 20.97 | 9781593274078 | |
Tricky Video | 18.95 | 9781591746232 | |
The Spinning Blackboard and Other Dynamic Experiments on Force and Motion | 10.80 | 9780471115144 | |
Tinkerlab | 13.17 | 9781611800654 | |
Squishy Circuits | 8.53 | 9781631377952 | |
Stomp Rockets Catapults and Kaleidoscopes | 10.17 | 9781556527371 | |
Video Game Programming for Kids | 11.99 | 9781435461161 | |
Cool Creations in 101 Pieces | 11.77 | 9781627790178 | |
Cool Creations in 35 Pieces | 10.20 | 9780805096927 | |
Cool Cars and Trucks | 10.20 | 9780805087611 | |
Totally Cool Creations | 11.99 | 9781250031105 | |
Filmmaking For Teens | 11.37 | 9781932907049 | |
The Paper Boomerang Book | 7.77 | 9781569762820 | |
Recycled Robots | 19.59 | 9780761154662 | |
The Racecar Book | 8.97 | 9781613747148 | |
The Flying Machine Book | 8.97 | 9781613740866 | |
The Robot Book | 8.97 | 9781556524073 | |
Javascript for Kids | 20.97 | 9781593274085 | |
HighTech DIY Projects With 3D Printing | 11.16 | 9781477766767 | |
Engineering the ABCs | 11.35 | 9781933916514 | |
Making a Circuit | 4.79 | 9781432956790 | |
Conductors and Insulators | 20.41 | 9781432956738 | |
Teach Your Kids to Code | 17.97 | 9781593276140 | |
Animation Studio | 15.69 | 9780763667016 | |
Amazing Rubber Band Cars | 8.97 | 9781556527364 | |
Python Basics | 15.00 | 9781107658554 | |
Hello World | 23.99 | 9781617290923 | |
3D Game Programming for Teens | 33.24 | 9781598638431 | |
Loom Magic Creatures | 7.19 | 9781629147956 | |
Loom Magic Charms | 7.19 | 9781632202598 | |
CSS for Babies | 7.06 | 9780615555218 | |
HTML for Babies | 7.06 | 9780615487663 | |
ABC of the Web | 12.30 | 9780988472617 | |
Web Design for Babies 20 | 7.84 | 9780988472600 | |
Computer Coding | 3.59 | 9781465426857 |
MakerSpace Notes:
My Original Mobile Makerspace
My Updated Mobile Makerspace
MakerSpace Tech Tools Comparison Chart
The Unboxing and Learning Curve
Exploring Circulating Maker Kits
Filed under: Collection Development, Makerspace, Professional Development, Tech Talk, Technology

About Robin Willis
After working in middle school libraries for over 20 years, Robin Willis now works in a public library system in Maryland.
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