Things I Never Learned In Library School: Let’s Talk About SEX, Baby….
I blame it on Parker Posey. I LOVE her as an actress and adore her films, but I swear I think everyone has secretly seen her in Party Girl and now thinks that the library is THE ultimate place to have sex. There is no other explanation.
In Party Girl, Mary (played by Parker Posey), gets arrested and has to call her godmother (a librarian) for bail money. The Godmother makes it a condition that Mary work in the library as a clerk to pay off the loan (and in the end, Mary decided that she wants to join the most awesome of professions, and become a librarian). In the middle of all this, Mary falls in love with Mustafa (played by Omar Townsend) and at one point they have wild sex in the Romance section of the library.
Why else would people think that libraries are the perfect place to get their freak on…?
Filed under: Sensitive Issues, Sex and Sexuality, Things I Never Learned in Library School

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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Social Emotional Learning Skills For All: A Carol Hinz Interview About the SEL Tool Kit
Weirdo | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Dear mother who screamed at us that her middle school daughter should be allowed to use the phone at the reference desk to call home at any time and for any reason “because there are weird and scary people in the library” I suggest you repeat The Talk with your daughter, b/c she has been exploring her growing body. With friend. In the study rooms. And the teen room.
When we were doing some remodeling at a previous library, I suggested they put clear doors on all the study rooms so they didn't become the sex rooms. Some of the staff were like, that's ridiculous . . . but we know.
I would think that would be standard operating procedure. My public library has a wall of glass windows between the 'quiet study' rooms and the rest of the facility.
Just this evening, a co-worker discovered a pair of teens making out in the second floor lobby just outside of our System's administrative offices. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, floor to ceiling windows and 50+ teachers, librarians, and daycare providers has never deterred MY teens from pursuing their libido's urges.
Our study rooms do have windows, but none of them are covered by security cameras. The kids (and they really are just kids) haven't done more than just cuddling and a little roughhousing, that I've seen, so I've only given them reminders that we don't cuddle in the library, I don't feel I can kick them out. It's actually kind of funny – they're both very innocent (and socially awkward) for their age and neither of them is quite sure how this boy-girl thing works…
And sometimes the library isn't designed by people who think of things like that. I know locations that weren't designed by anyone who was ever near a library, so when the librarians came in, everyone was WTH? How are we going to make this work? But the city was proud of it as a model of architecture and planning…