Reflections: Christie’s Resolutions… Wordle style
- Straighten Desk: It’s always a mess. I think I’d be less stressed if I at least attempt to get it manageable before I leave at night.
- Hug More: I always give my kids at the library hugs when they need it, but with everything going on, it can’t hurt to hug more. We can all use more hugs.
- Breathe Deeper: Some days, we just need a deep breath. Or 5.
- Keep Schedule: 2013 is going to be a BUSY BUSY year for me. Not only to I have my job, and Teen Librarian Toolbox, but I am also the incoming chair for the Rainbow Project, and I put my hat in for a YALSA process committee. And I’ll be presenting at our state library association in April. So if I start sounding like this commercial Karen or That Guy will take me away for my sanity.
- Love More: Sounds counter-productive, but we all need more love in our lives.
- Star Reviews: I have not been starring my reviews for TLT. Evidently I am supposed to be. I admit, I’ve had bad experiences with various peer review sites that star things so I stay away from that, but, because I ADORE Karen, I will star things starting Wednesday.
- Declutter House: That Guy is wonderful, but has a pack rat tendency that drives me nuts. My goal for 2013 is to remove things from the house that we haven’t used since we moved in- like pie pans. So, if you win a contest and get pie pans, SURPRISE!
- Eat Better & Exercise More: This I started on in 2012, but need to really work on in 2013. I am a type 2 diabetic, and found out during surgery in May that the doctor I had been seeing had over-prescribed me on insulin. The new doctor took me that regimen put me on one that was more normal, and not only did my blood sugars come to normal, but I lost 40 pounds. I definitely want to keep the trend going.
- Read More: There are always so many books that I want to read that I never seem to have time for. I want to try and keep up with what I want to read and what I have to read. And YES, there is a difference.
So what are your resolutions for 2013? Share in the comments below!
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About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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Reading more will be on my resolutions list every year for the rest of my life – so many books, so little time. 🙂