Book Review: Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan
Background: I recently attended the Autsin Teen Book Festival and, as I am often inclined to do, I kept walking up to complete strangers and asking them who they were here to see and why. Everyone does that, right? I was surprised when several teenage boys and men said they were there to see Sara Rees Brennan, her book covers seems so girly. But yep, that’s who they were there to see. So I bought a signed copy of Unspoken and began reading it.
The first thing you should know is that despite the fact that this is a ya paranormal, I laughed out loud a lot. I had to stop and read several passages out loud to The Mr. when he gave me sideways glances about how loudly I was laughing. In fact, I give unto Ms. Brennan and honorary award for Most Hilarious Romeo and Juliet reference. Read pages 69 and 70. Also, bonus points because Kami goes to the library to do research and this is also a fun scene: “Can you tell me where I could find books on Satanism?” Twenty minutes later, she had Dorothy convinced that it was for a school project, and she really did not have to telephone Kami’s parents (p. 43) So that’s two random completely made up awards, Best Romeo and Juliet Reference and Best Library Scene. Don’t worry Sarah, your awards are “in the mail.”
Filed under: Book Reviews, Sarah Rees Brennan, Unspoken

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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I would love to be entered into the drawing for this book. You make me want to go out and find it 'right now'. I am going to have to get this for my library.
Sounds like a great read!
I've heard so many great things about this book, I'm excited to read it. Also, so jealous you attended the ATBF. I was unable to make it this year, but it looked like so much fun.
Thanks for the giveaway, by the way!
This book sounds amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy to dive into.
I agree with the above comments. This book sounds like a must-read! I would love to be entered into the giveaway for this book.
I just added this book to a reading list the other day and thought, “I'll have to pick this one up!” Sounds really cool.
I've had this book on my wishlist for months. It sounds fantastic!!
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
This sounds like something that would be awesome to add to my classroom library. Please enter me into the drawing.
april dot blevins at gmail dot com
Such a good book, I loved it!
This sounds right up my ally! Please enter me in your drawing!