TPIB: Bring Out Your Dead! Zombie Programming Redux

Zombie Fluxx
Zombie Dice
Munchkin Zombies
Also by Steve Jackson Games, Munchkin Zombies runs just like Munchkins. You’re zombies, you’re attacking people, your armor is whatever you can find, and you level up by eating braaaaaaaaaains- good luck! 3-6 people, ages 10 and up.
Zombie Cuponk
Play a fun “undead” version of Cuponk, the game where you try and get ping pong balls in a cup. Yes, it’s based on a drinking game, but this a non drinking version. ($14.99)
Beetlejuice: A couple of recently deceased ghosts contact the services of a “bio-exorcist” to rid their house of the hideous new owners. Rated PG.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978): In San Francisco, a group of people discover that humans are being replaced by those who are devoid of emotion. A really good one if you can tie in the fact that Donald Sutherland is Matthew here and President Snow in The Hunger Games. Rated PG.
Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride: When a bashful groom gets cold feet, he gets more than he bargains for in the woods outside his home…. Rated PG.
I Am Legend: Years after most of humanity is killed off, the sole survivor works to find a cure. Bonus points for being book based. Rated PG-13.
Resident Evil Series: Starting with a lab experiment gone bad, this is the series that may never end. Based loosely on the video games of the same name- the CGI versions are more faithful to the video play. Rated R.
Shaun of the Dead: Unable to get anything in his life together, when he finds his whole town has turned into zombies, Shaun is determined to save everyone, or die trying. Rated R.
FEMA and the Red Cross: tie in your zombie theme with disaster preparedness and see if the local branch of the Federal Emergency Management Agency can bring someone in to talk about emergency preparedness. This could be anything from building an emergency kit to what to do if something actually happens.
Cosmetology and Stage Make-up: See if your area has a local stage make-up artist or theater personnel who could do a workshop on zombie and stage make-up for your teens. They could go over what it takes to make the make-up look real, how to make fake blood, and perform actual applications. As an added bonus, you get to send real zombies home to their parents!
Zombie Hunters: see if you have a local chapter of the Zombie Hunters in your area, and if they’re willing to come talk to your teens.
POP UP TRIVIA: Use a book like The Zombie Survival Guide, and make your own multiple choice questions. Post them on a bulletin board, and make up an answer sheet for teens to fill out. Have them turn them in, and out of the correct answers, give away small prizes like extra computer time, or fines waived, or extra summer reading prizes.
ZOMBIE SURVIVAL KIT: Based off of the FEMA survival kits or books like Rot & Ruin series by Jonathan Maberry series or The Zombie Survival Guide, gather together a collection of things that might be useful in a Zombie invasion, and things that might not be so useful. Assign a number value for each item, and keep the master list in your desk. Place them in a display case with letters next to them, and ask teens to choose their own personal Top 10. Once the contest is over, display the point value and the reasoning, and give the winners their prize.
More Zombie Posts on TLT:
TPIB: It’s a Dead Man’s Party
TPIB: Monster Fest
Top 10 Apocalypse Survival Tips I Learned from YA
Reading the Zombie Apocalypse
“What’s the Deal with Zombies Anyway?”
Filed under: Teen Program in a Box, Teen Programming, Teen Read Week, TPIB, Zombie

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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