100 Scope Notes
August 26, 2024 by Amanda MacGregor
I wish we utilized more ways to show young people this, to bring history out from the dusty marble, and I applaud the many innovative educators who work to connect the the dots between history and today’s lived experience.
June 19, 2024 by Amanda MacGregor
Maybe it’s our way of trying to make sense of the world around us—to explain the unexplainable. Or, maybe it’s because, fundamentally, humans are storytellers.
April 16, 2024 by Amanda MacGregor
These books all share anxiety as a theme, but in conversation with each other they feel like they are capturing something essential about the power of middle grade books.
October 12, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
All happy groceries are alike: each unhappy grocery is unhappy in its own way.
October 6, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
Like hidden treasures (fictional and real), the story gems could be anywhere, and they might not be what you’d expect.
October 10, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
Stories, perhaps, are what truly distinguish humans from every other creature on our planet. Stories, sometimes, are what save us.
July 20, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
Locard was right, and not just about crime scenes. When you read a story, it becomes a part of your story. Even when you don’t realize it at the time.
February 22, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
“Tell me a story, V. Cuz we know you’ve got one.” This is the greeting I get every time I arrive for my shift. And of course, I oblige. In a job like firefighting, these little moments are a necessity.
September 20, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
Although my grandmother and great-grandmother are no longer living, writing and publishing my book, Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna, has brought me closer to them than ever before.
August 16, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
I imagine some of us, like archaeologists on an excavation, head out digging for stories, unearthing layers until we uncover the treasures we were searching for buried beneath the surface. But others, like me, let the stories find us.
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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