Heavy Medal
July 6, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
Knowing all that we know about human development, the need for connection and information, as well as the importance of representation, the question is not ‘why should we allow sex in young adult books,’ but what possible reason could there be not to?
May 27, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
Debut author Jason June talks about the importance of sex-positivity in books for queer teens.
September 3, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
This is a fun, standout story about self-examination, self-discovery, friendship, sex education, consent, and honesty.
April 11, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
My latest YA contemporary, Serious Moonlight, is a book about Birdie and Daniel, two teens who meet one rainy afternoon in Seattle and impulsively decide to hook up. Unfortunately, the experience is bumbling and embarrassing. Birdie’s only solace is that she’ll never see him again, but alas, when she lands a job working the front […]
October 31, 2017 by Amanda MacGregor
Publisher’s description Meri Miller lives in Soldotna, Alaska. Never heard of it? That’s because in Slowdotna the most riveting activities for a teenager are salmon fishing and grabbing a Big Gulp at the local 7-Eleven. More than anything, Meri wants to hop in her VW Bug and head somewhere exciting, like New York or L.A. or any […]
March 28, 2017 by Amanda MacGregor
Publisher’s description Taking a hard look at the societal constraints on teenage girls, Morris Award nominee Carrie Mesrobian tells one girl’s story with bracing honesty and refreshing authenticity. By her senior year of high school, Rianne has exhausted all the fun there is to have in small-town Wereford, Minnesota. Volleyball season is winding down, the […]
November 12, 2015 by Amanda MacGregor
Publisher’s description: In this sexy and intriguing novel, an intense—and passionate—bond between a high school senior and her music teacher becomes a public scandal that threatens the reputation of both. Bea has a secret. Actually, she has more than one. There’s her dream for the future that she can’t tell anyone—not her father and not […]
May 7, 2015 by Amanda MacGregor
I’m going to summarize the entire plot of Lauren Barnholdt’s Heat of the Moment in one sentence for you, okay? Here it is: Lyla really wants to have sex with her boyfriend Derrick while they’re in Florida for their senior class trip, but she’s surprised to find herself suddenly (and desperately) attracted to Beckett, much […]
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