100 Scope Notes
July 6, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
Knowing all that we know about human development, the need for connection and information, as well as the importance of representation, the question is not ‘why should we allow sex in young adult books,’ but what possible reason could there be not to?
May 27, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
Debut author Jason June talks about the importance of sex-positivity in books for queer teens.
April 11, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
My latest YA contemporary, Serious Moonlight, is a book about Birdie and Daniel, two teens who meet one rainy afternoon in Seattle and impulsively decide to hook up. Unfortunately, the experience is bumbling and embarrassing. Birdie’s only solace is that she’ll never see him again, but alas, when she lands a job working the front […]
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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