A Fuse #8 Production
April 6, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
While certainly not an easy read, this is an important one because of how it looks at the mental health and justice systems.
March 16, 2016 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today we are honored to host author Yvonne Prinz as part of the #MHYALit Discussion In 1990 I moved to San Francisco from Canada, met my husband, and opened a record store in Berkeley, just over the Bay Bridge. Berkeley, for a variety of reasons, has a large homeless population, something I wasn’t familiar with, […]
January 13, 2016 by Amanda MacGregor
As part of our 2016 Mental Health in Young Adult Literature project, we will be posting reading lists on various mental health-related subjects. Guest blogger Natalie Korsavidis pulled together this one on schizophrenia. We will mainly be focusing on books published after 2000. We encourage you to add any other titles you can think of […]
January 20, 2015 by Amanda MacGregor
When I’m reviewing books for professional publications, I stay quiet about them on social media. I’m always really excited once a review comes out to be able to talk about the book, finally! Here’s one of my most recent reviews, which originally appeared in the January 2015 issue of School Library Journal. Gr 9 Up—Fig is six […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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