Good Comics for Kids
June 12, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
When I began to write All the Dead Lie Down, I was imagining what it would be like to have anxiety and be dropped into the middle of an actual Gothic novel.
March 2, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
When younger readers can read about families or about other kids who suffer from things they have been grappling with in secret and often shame, it can enable them to break their silence, to reach out, and to ask for help. Lifesaving help.
February 27, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
Sometimes a story can prepare you for when that unexpected experience does happen. And sometimes it can even prevent the worst from happening at all.
August 18, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
While this book was really good, had wonderful dialogue, and kept me guessing what was happening as we toggled back and forth in time, it's this specific representation of a Black teen boy living with anxiety and panic attacks and getting help that I want to draw your attention to.
May 11, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I am here to say it’s okay to quit sometimes. There should not be anything shameful in shifting your priorities, especially not a shift that could bolster your well being in another area. I am here to offer the possibility that you can change your mind.
January 26, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
Being unchosen isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, being unchosen taught me how to live.
July 29, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen Contributor Morgan Randall talks about developing healthy habits.
April 21, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
Those looking for a contemporary that successfully mixes romance with some rather serious issues will enjoy this character-driven book with wide appeal.
April 20, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
Find out how writing a book about murderous Irish Gods and sapphic witches helped author E. Latimer get a mental health diagnosis.
April 14, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
While this is a romance, and the story of children of immigrants juggling multiple cultures, norms, and expectations, it's also a very affecting and complex exploration of mental health.
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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