Heavy Medal
September 1, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
In NOT YOUR #LOVESTORY, Hartl meshes old and new media to create connections and foster conversations.
February 6, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
Can one teen save a NASA program and take down the bad guys, all while figuring out a new relationship? Cal is ready to try!
March 24, 2019 by Karen Jensen, MLS
So you want to write about YA literature. What books are you using as your examples and why?
March 7, 2018 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today for YA A to Z author Diana Rodriguez Wallach is talking with us about disinformation and “fake news”. I’m often asked, “What sort of research did you do for your novel?” For me, that’s a loaded question. The Anastasia Phoenix series is set around the world, so I traveled overseas to Italy, England, and […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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