The Yarn
September 15, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
Lilliam Rivera explains why she decided to find ways to incorporate history in her young adult novels as a way to let characters explore their cities through a historical lens.
October 10, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
This is an immensely readable look at gentrification, systemic oppression, protest, action, community, and having your voice heard. It's also a very sweet love story.
September 20, 2018 by Amanda MacGregor
Teen Librarian Toolbox is excited to be partnering with Marie Marquardt for her #ReadForChange project. Hop on over to this post to learn more about the initiative. Today, she and Ibi Zoboi join us for a conversation about gentrification, identity, and Zoboi’s excellent new novel, Pride. Step onto my block and walk these jagged broken streets and […]
May 22, 2018 by Amanda MacGregor
Teen Librarian Toolbox is excited to be partnering with Marie Marquardt for her #ReadForChange project. Hop on over to this post to learn more about the initiative. Today, she and Lilliam Rivera join us for a conversation about gentrification, taking action, writing a novel that is just one voice of the many unheard voices in the publishing industry, and her excellent book […]
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