Politics in Practice
August 14, 2024 by Amanda MacGregor
Running a program with a teenager as the primary facilitator can be scary or stressful, I am a strong believer in youth-led programming, and there are myriad benefits to having a youth lead your library’s Dungeons and Dragons program
November 2, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
In D&D, the Rule of Cool is about creative problem solving, it’s about encouraging players to think outside the box, and embrace what isn’t text, but subtext. It rewards imagination. It rewards approaching the game with an unexpected perspective.
July 21, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen Librarian Cindy Shutts interviews Natalie DeJonghe about taking your teen DND programming to the next step with Dungeons and Dragons Beyond
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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