100 Scope Notes
April 12, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
I’d grown up hearing about Johnny Appleseed and always loved the idea of someone traveling far and wide, planting seeds wherever they went. But, I asked, what if Johnny wasn’t planting typical apple trees? What if his apples were poisonous? Cursed?
December 2, 2022 by Amanda MacGregor
The thing I love most about the cover is that its long shadows and setting sun and horizon line and winding path perfectly capture the emotional core of the book itself: the bittersweet certainty of the passage of time and the impossible impermanence of life.
October 25, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Have you read any Jeff Strand? That’s one of my go to questions for anyone – teen or YA reader – who lament that there are not enough funny books in YA. And I get it, the funny is definitely outnumbered in YA, it truly is. But Jeff Strand is a pretty dependable author when […]
March 3, 2016 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I believe it is no secret that I am a HUGE fan of the writing and works of A. S. King, so I was honored when her publicist reached out to me and asked if we wanted to do a cover reveal for her Fall 2016 release, STILL LIFE WITH TORNADO. Because YES! I want […]
July 20, 2015 by Amanda MacGregor
We are thrilled to host the cover reveal for Original Fake by Kirstin Cronn-Mills with art by E. Eero Johnson. Original Fake will be available on 4/19/2016 and is published by G.P. PUTNAM’S SONS BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS. Description of the book: Introvert Frankie Neumann is not exactly the standout in his family. Between his […]
February 18, 2015 by Amanda MacGregor
We’re excited to share with you the cover reveal for Beast in the Mirror, Laura Bradley Rede’s forthcoming LGBT fantasy novella. Laura is a Minnesota author who I had the pleasure of meeting this past summer when she came to visit the YA book club I facilitate through the public library. We had a great time […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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