100 Scope Notes
November 21, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
The final post in my Crash Course series of books for younger readers looks at recent poetry collections.
November 19, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
Post four in my crash course series of posts about books for younger readers! Check out a dozen of the most popular series at my school!
November 12, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
Whether you're looking to learn a bit more yourself, searching for a new book or series to hand to a young person in your life, or hoping to do some collection development, let's dive in!
June 6, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
School's out for summer (for me!)--woohoo! Here are the books that circulated the most in my library. You probably won't be surprised by many of them.
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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