Heavy Medal
February 11, 2016 by Karen Jensen, MLS
As part of our MakerSpace, I decided that I wanted to set up a Green Screen Photo Booth, though the truth is that I know nothing about doing green screen photos. So I started by trying out a variety of apps on our iPad stations. Apps investigated include: Green Screen by Do Ink ($2.99) Green […]
November 2, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Recently, The Teen had to do a complex poetry assignment. One of the poems she had to create was a Concrete Poem, a poem that takes a shape. I would like to point out that the subject of her poem was me – go Mom! But we went looking for a way to easily create […]
October 5, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Monday my co-blogger Heather Booth sent me a text that said,” you might really like this app called Fused.” She had no idea what she was starting as I quickly became obsessed, for the MakerSpace and my teens of course! Using the app I was able to create these images: Now I have been seeing […]
September 28, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Last week we got the final approval to make some big changes at The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County (OH) where I am working as the YA Services Coordinator. Namely, my proposal to move the YA fiction collection out of an enclosed space to a new location and to turn that enclosed […]
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