Good Comics for Kids
October 24, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
By integrating what I’ve learned in The Search For Us, I hope I will give teen readers some tools to better cope with a family member who may be struggling with addiction.
August 28, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
Readers who can unfortunately relate to what Sofie and Con are going through will not only feel seen but feel assured that, with help and hope, things may not always be so hard.
August 9, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
The heart of Forget-Me-Not Blue springs from something that happened to me in fourth grade music class when we were learning a folk dance that required girls and boys to partner.
May 30, 2023 by Amanda MacGregor
This is my love letter to all the equestrians who haven’t seen themselves on the page. I’m going to need your help and support to get my books into the hands of kids who want and need them, so I hope you go on this ride with me.
October 11, 2021 by Amanda MacGregor
For Wren, we see her get through what she can alone, while feeling confused and not necessarily well cared for, but we also see her surrounded by support, love, and, eventually, help. A great read.
August 27, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen librarian Karen Jensen reviews the most recent contemporary YA by author Jeff Zentner, "a stunning, achingly moving book."
September 17, 2020 by Amanda MacGregor
A hopeful, beautifully written, deeply affecting story of what we endure and overcome in the journey to become ourselves.
March 5, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
This powerful, harrowing, and compassionate story humanizes addiction and will challenge readers to rethink what they may believe about addicts.
February 21, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
YA author Lizzy Mason joins us to talk about self-harm, addiction, recovery, and the importance of being open about mental illnesses, especially with teens. Her debut novel, The Art of Losing, tackles these same subjects.
February 21, 2019 by Amanda MacGregor
Debut novelist Lizzy Mason presents a realistic look at addiction and its impact on lives that is somber but ultimately hopeful. This well-written debut has lots of layers and will be an easy one to recommend to fans of contemporary YA. Hand this one to character-driven readers.
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