Heavy Medal
Karen Jensen, MLS, June 3, 2012 | Bullying, Chris Crutcher, Kate Ellison, Lish McBride, Short Stories
You can’t turn on the nightly news without hearing news stories about how bullying is affecting the lives of our teens. Make no mistake, bullying has always been an issue, but the impact of it seems to be changing as bullying takes to the Internet. Teens are talking about it. Parents are talking about it. […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, May 13, 2012 | A. S. King, Ask the Passengers
This morning I went for a walk. Headphones in my ears, arms pumping, and there stood one lone yellow flower in a field of green grass. Technically probably a weed. But I looked at it and slowed . . . marveled for a moment. In the midst of all those green blades of grass sat […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, March 2, 2012 | Book Quotes, Booklists, Bullying, Reader's Advisory
I am sure I don’t need to recount the news of the week, we all know. Another young man entered his school with a gun and shot some of his classmates. Once again we hear cries that bullying has led to violence. Also in the news, Lady Gaga started a foundation and challenged teens everywhere […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, January 30, 2012 | ARCs, Fiction, Teen Fiction
Although ARCs (advanced reader’s copies) are not the main point of ALA (there is so much to see and learn there, see my previous post), it is interesting to get a look firsthand at some of the books being released in the upcoming year for teens. Many of us are operating on limited budgets (I […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, September 8, 2011 | Art, Crafts, Creativity, Programming, Programs, Teen Programming, TPIB
Picture It days 8-14 This year’s Teen Read Week theme is Picture It @ Your Library. If you read through my previous Teen Programs in a Box posts, you will find a variety of fun craft/picture themed ideas. And I have already shared one TRW idea called the Book Quotation Celebration. But I thought I […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, July 21, 2011 | Banned Books Week, Fiction, Programming, Teen Fiction
Depending on whom you ask, the answer may be “too dark”. This year teen fiction like The Hunger Games came under fire as The Wall Street Journal, bloggers and NPR and asked, is teen fiction too dark? The answer is, some of it is too dark for some readers. Some of it is too light […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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