Teen librarian Karen Jensen discusses the concept of teens only programming
Danielle Sachdeva, Associate Professor of Literacy and Elementary Education, University of North Georgia and Patricia Newman, Sibert Honor author and Environmentalist, discuss middle grade books about the ocean for World Ocean Day
Author Polly Holyoke shares tips for helping tweens and teens to become writers
Teen librarian Karen Jensen discusses learning to do sublimation and what works, and what you might want to think twice about, in a library makerspace
A wrap up of the North Texas Teen Book Festival 2024 with an emphasis on some of the cool thrillers and horror being written for tweens and teens today
Author Brittany N. Williams talks about audacity and her new book, SAINT-SEDUCING GOLD
5 Middle Grade Books to Celebrate Planet Earth, a guest post by Kristin L. Gray
Earth Day, Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Author Kristin L. Gray shares middle grade books about saving planet Earth
Riley will turn 22 this year. She is the reason we are Taylor Swift fans in our house. Taylor launched right around the time that Riley started listening to music. And I have raised 2 daughters now with Taylor Swift as the soundtrack of our lives. On Friday, Taylor Swift released her 11th album, The […]
Author and psychologist Dana Klisanin discusses Eco Anxiety and middle grade readers as we approach Earth Day 2024 (April 22)
Finding Answers to a Not-So-Simple Question, a guest post by Christina Matula
Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Author Christina Matula discusses the newest book in her Holly-Mei series, The Not-So-Simple Question