Some fun Reader's Advisory inspired by the children's game Guess Who with special thanks to librarian Melissa Corey
Let’s Talk About the Most Ignored Group in Youth Fiction: 12-15 year-olds, a guest post by author L. M. Elliott
Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Author L. M. Elliott discusses the big black hole of youth publishing: books for 12 - 15-year-olds
On Coming Out (or Not) in Queer Middle Grade, by author Sarah Kapit
Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Author Sarah Kapit discusses coming out - or not - in middle grade fiction
A brief look at the book SIX TRUTHS AND A LIE by Ream Shukairy
The Writing of The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman, a guest post by author Gennifer Choldenko
Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Newbery Honor Winner Author Gennifer Choldenko discusses her newest middle grade book, THE TENTH MISTAKE OF HANK HOOPERMAN
Don’t Forget the Small Towns: The Importance of Promoting Books to Young Readers in Rural Areas, a guest post by Victoria Wlosok
Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Author Victoria Wlosok talks about small towns and her YA thriller, HOW TO FIND A MISSING GIRL
School Library Media Specialist Christina Chatel writes an open letter asking for shorter middle grade books
Authors Sally J. Pla and Margaret Finnegan discuss disability representation in youth lit for the Mind the Middle Project
Author Nora Dåsnes talks about writing difficult books for middle grade readers and how the best cure for climate anxiety is climate action
Author Aamna Qureshi discusses the importance of Muslim representation in literature