On paper, I seem like the least likely candidate to advocate for Banned Books Week. I have a bachelor’s degree in youth ministry from a conservative Christian college and I teach children’s church. Don’t get me wrong, there are books that I have read that have appalled me (although more for just bad writing then for actual […]
For 6 years I did a guest radio show on a local radio station in Marion, Ohio (WDCM 97.5 FM). Part of the fun of doing the show is that I got to work in the summers with two great teenage girls: Meg and Paige. Paige has a great personality, is completely bubbly and fun, […]
You never outgrow some childhood favorites . . . even if they are a bear of very little brain
You don’t always have to put on a big interactive mystery theater production to have a mystery themed program (although those are fun), you can do some mini CSI type activities to have a mystery program. There is a lot less time and money involved in set up, making it ideal for the school year. […]
True confessions of a bad librarian: I never have a bookmark handy. That’s right, I am one of those people who puts a book down on the stand open to the page I left at. Apparently that is hard on the spine. Um, at least I don’t do the dog ear thing . . . […]
Val came into my life 6 years ago. She was a teen member of my church, and an excellent baby sitter. Val graduated high school in May, and I couldn’t have been prouder. She was active in 4-H member and at one time marching band. She has worked for the Boys and Girls Club as […]
Today my daughter officially becomes a Tween. She is in that neverland void between children’s services and teen services that a lot of libraries are still trying to figure out. She grew up going to storytimes and library programs. And of course has a librarian for a mother – I am sure, for the record, […]
Last year a combination of The Walking Dead and Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry (best. zombie book. ever.) made me put together a zombie themed program. The undead are quite popular – and are likely to continue to be so with the upcoming movie releases of World War Z and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. And […]
October 4th – 10th has been declared Olympian Week in celebration of the release of Son of Neptune, the next title by Rick Riordan. You know what that means? Toga party! So get planning! Walk over to the 200s and brush up on your Greek and Roman mythology. And brush up on your toga wrapping. […]
Bootalk It! Developing a Booktalk Program to Network with Area Schools
Booktalking, Networking, Outreach, Reader's Advisory, Schools, Teachers
|What does every librarian love? A captive audience! You want to get into your schools, into the classrooms, and develop relationships with your teachers. One of the best ways to do this is to develop a booktalking program. In its most basic description, a booktalk is a short introduction – think commercial or movie trailer […]