Combine the Tik Tok ghost painting trend with the Taylor Swift Anti-Hero aesthetics to create fun paintings
Why We Need More “Developmentally Relevant” Upper MG Romance by Laurie Morrison
Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Author Laurie Morrison writes about the need for developmentally relevant romance in middle grade and her latest book, KEEPING THE PACE
Johnson is working towards becoming a modern day Agatha Christie for teen readers, and that's one of the highest compliments I can give.
In the News takes a look at the recent statement from EveryLibrary on Project 2025 and Libraries
Recently, a co-worker at my day job came to me and asked me a question about making infographics about teen demographics for our service area. At the same time, an article came into my inbox about Generation Alpha. This sent me down into a rabbit hole – thank you ADHD and hyper-fixation. I have spent […]
Patricia Newman and Jessica Stremer talk about narrative non-fiction
Teen Librarian Karen Jensen shares a list of 5 Teen titles that feature Killer Cruises
Mind the Middle: Middle Grade Olympics by author Sally Engelfried
Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fiction, Mind the Middle, Mind the Middle Project
|Author Sally Engelfried discusses middle grade reads for fans of the Olympics
WICKED MARIGOLD author Caroline Carlson talks about fracturing a fairytale
Young Adult Librarian Jennifer Rummel discusses why libraries should have a middle grade section