New and forthcoming YA and MG to know about
New Releases, New YA, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Literature
|Books, books, and more books! All of the books I get end up going back out the door in some fashion—to teen readers I know, to classroom libraries of friends, to my own school, or in giveaways. I can’t read/review every book I get, but it’s fun to be able to sift through boxes and […]
Searching for Good YA Publishing Statistics// So I am currently working on doing some hardcore YA collection data analysis for my library. In addition to looking at what we have and how much it circulates, I was curious to know how much YA is published yearly to get a better idea of our YA collection […]
Over the past few days, there has been an ongoing discussion on Twitter about the need for YA books that highlight the post high school life and whether or not they should be marketed as YA. I tweeted a lot about it and have compiled those tweets below. I am also working on putting together […]
December is here, which means it’s time to start thinking about 2018 YA Lit releases. I’ve already submitted my first book order for January 2018 titles. Here for your convenience (and really, for mine) is a list of links to booklists put together online so far for 2018. In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing […]
New Releases and Mini Reviews: Little & Lion, The Bakersville Dozen, and The Epic Crush of Genie Lo
Book Reviews, New Releases, YA Fiction, YA Lit, YA Literature, YA Mysteries, YALit, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Literature
|Today is a good day for book releases, as apparently all the recent books I have chosen to read release today. Is it fate? Destiny? Hard to say. Let’s dive right in, shall we. Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert Two step-siblings who were closer than close are reunited after one, Little (the female) spends […]
Take 5: Using YA Lit to Talk Government, Power, Politics, Corruption and More (An #SJYALit Book List)
#SJYALit, YA Lit, YA Literature, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Literature
|A few years ago, I believe it was Cory Doctorow who Tweeted that no one discusses politics in literature anymore. Which struck me, at the time, as an odd statement because it was the height of YA Dystopian, which arguably is all about power and politics. It could also have been someone other then Cory […]
Collection development is an active process in which I, like all librarians, actively seek to build balanced collections of all types of books. Because we have an active and popular Teen MakerSpace, one of the things I actively look for are “maker” related books. These can be books that include any type of maker related […]
Sumer #YALit #ARCParty
#ARCParty, new books, New Releases, New YA, YA Lit, YA Literature, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Literature
|A look at some upcoming May, June and July ARCs of YA Lit TeenLibrarianToolbox@TLT16 Getting ready to start an #aRCParty with The Teen & Bestie to look at some upcoming new releases. Tue, Apr 26 2016 21:44:53 ReplyRetweetFavorite TeenLibrarianToolbox@TLT16 Here’s how it works: they’ll read the back of each book out loud & share […]
November #ARCParty
#ARCParty, new books, New YA, Young Adult, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Literature
|Here's a look at some upcoming titles and the November #ARCParty where The Teen and The Bestie shared what they think of some of the upcoming titles we've received in the mail here at TLT. TeenLibrarianToolbox@TLT16 The Teen and The Bestie are here. Gonna have an impromptu #arcparty Mon, Nov 02 2015 00:32:10 ReplyRetweetFavorite A […]
#WeNeedDiverseBooks Panel at Irving Public Library 5/13/15
Diversity, Young Adult, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Literature
|Last night I attended the We Need Diverse Books panel at the Irving Public Library. It featured I. W. Gregorio, author of None of the Above, Sona Charaipotra & Dhonielle Clayton, authors of Tiny Pretty Things, Marieke Nijkamp, author of This is Where it Ends, and Natalie C. Parker, author of Beware the Wild. I […]