Without a doubt angels are hot right now in YA fiction (Paranormal Romance). You have the Fallen series by Lauren Kate, Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick and now the Embrace series by Jessica Shirvington – just to name a few. So I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with some angel crafts […]
The countdown is on, the Hunger Games movie will be out on March 23rd and I know that many teens and their favorite librarians are waiting anxiously for the day to arrive. One of the most visited posts at this site is a previous program outline I shared with some hands on activities to do […]
Craft programs can be some fun go-to programming for tweens and teens. They are hands on, promote the collection, meet the developmental needs of your audience, and build those positive relationships with our teens that we are seeking. While you are sitting around doing crafts you can talk about books, poke around in their heads […]
“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive […]
My mentor called me the other day and asked about what I would do in a particular situation that involved teens at a library lock-in, my very glib response was, “I wouldn’t have had the lock in.” Already many of you are seeing flames and thinking about your replies – but wait, let me explain […]
Teen librarians are always trying to find a way to get teen involvement. The 40 developmental assets tell us that having teens involved in the planning and creation of activities geared towards them helps self-esteem and decreases their participation in risk taking activities. We also know that since teens are so peer oriented, having teens […]
TPIB: Once Upon a Time
Fairy Tales, Programming, Reader's Advisory, Teen Programming, Teen Programs in a Box
|upon a time, there were tales . . . and today, those tales are being re-told. With a twist. One of my very favorite fairy tales retold is Enchanted by Orson Scott Card. It is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty; but what I really love about it is the way he portrays the magic of […]
Today is October 1 which means Halloween is right around the corner. So it’s time to get your spook on with some wicked (and wickedly cool) programming. For this this event we are going to look at monster inspired crafts, food and games and turn October into Monstrober, a rip roaring Monster Fest. You can […]
This year’s Teen Read Week theme is Picture It @ Your Library. It runs from October 16-22. But don’t worry, during the month of September TLT has been helping you get ready! The truth is, you can do a wide variety of fun things with this type of a theme. You can challenge your teens […]
This year’s Teen Read Week theme is Picture It @ Your Library. It runs from October 16-22. But don’t worry, I am here to help you get ready! Here are the links presented for the 3rd week of September as a part of the prep for TRW 2011. Picture it day 15: Stamping with Legos […]