TPiB: High School Exam Cram – sure-fire & stone simple
Exams, Programming, Study, Study Break, Teen Program in a Box, Teen Programming, TPIB
|It almost seems too simple, too good to be true – the low maintenance, high attendance program that high school students flock to, that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Exam Cram. Finals Service. Study Blitz. Whatever you want to call it, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. Full disclosure, I didn’t come […]
TPIB: Turn your Instagram pics into Photobooth bookmarks
Bookmarks, Crafts, Instagram, Photobooth, Teen Programming, TPIB
|You can take any 4 Instagram pictures (or Hipstamatic pictures) and turn them into a bookmark craft with your teens. Technically, you can do it with any photos as long as you get the measurements right – but Instagram/Hipstamatic are kind enough to have frames built in. Think of the things you can do here! […]
TPIB: Extreme Gingerbread Challenge
Candy, Crafts, Food Challenges, Gingerbread Houses, Teen Program in a Box, Teen Programming, TPIB
|Sugar + a festive spirit + teens = program success in my book. This is the third year in a row I’ve hosted a “Gingerbread Challenge” and though each year plays out a little differently, every program has been a fun one. How much fun? THIS much fun! This can be adapted to run any […]
We’ve Only Got This One Earth: Environmental teen programs and 47 Things You Can Do for the Environment
Earth Day, Programming, Teen Programming, Teen Programming in a Box, TPIB Environment, Zest Books
|If you read much science fiction, you know that in the future we are forced to colonize another planet because we have destroyed Earth. We only one life to live, and one Earth to live it on. But have no fear, there are a lot of things we can do to help save this 3rd […]
Get Your Fashion On(fashions drawn by my tween) I am a Project Runway junkie and have posted some Project Runway inspired TPIBs before, but now I have some great ideas for yet another Project Fashion TPIB thanks to several great How To books by Zest Books: Junk Box Jewelry, 25 DIY Lost Cost (or no […]
The fashion industry spends millions of dollars advertising to us girls. I have no idea if my skin needs the $100.00 skin cream or the $200.00 one. I just know that those little pimples that pop up (yes, still) are the bane of my existence. Gah! But – you can have a spa party at […]
87 Killer Parties: teen programs from 87 Ways to Throw a Killer Party
How To, Parties, Professional Collection, Teen Programming, TPIB
|So I’m sitting at my desk and the PR department sends me an e-mail: They’re putting together next month’s calendar and I need to tell them what teen stuff I want to add. I need a handy tool that I can grab something out of and run with. Wait, what’s that you say? 87 Way […]
Retro Movies with Reel Culture: 50 Classic Movies You Should Know About (So You Can Impress Your Friends) by Mimi O’Connor
Movies, Reel Culture, Teen Nonfiction, Teen Programming, TPIB, Zest Books
|Retro can be cool. And let’s face it, there are some great classic movies out there. In fact, a lot of our ya lit, TV shows and movies like to drop those classic movie references in there and sometimes, teens can be lost. But don’t fear – there is a book to help! Isn’t there […]
TPIB: Bring Out Your Dead! Zombie Programming Redux
Teen Program in a Box, Teen Programming, Teen Read Week, TPIB, Zombie
|Teen Read Week (a Yalsa event) and Halloween is coming, and the creepy crawlies are coming, and oh, what fun we get to have. Personally, the best way to celebrate is with ZOMBIES! Vampires? Been there, done that. Monsters? Baby things. But ZOMBIES- oh, mysterious appeal, grown-up creepiness that will fascinate your teens. THINGS TO THINK […]
“Always Play With Their Minds”- Lucas, Empire Records (1995) TPIB: We have 31 teen programs for you to pick and choose elements from! I am in an extremely unique situation. At my library, I am *the* librarian. All programs, whether they be for babies or adults, fall on my shoulders…as well as materials ordering, and […]