Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. In its honor, we are proud to share this guest post by author L. B. Schulman. In 1959, the Israel parliament officially chose the date one week after Passover to be dedicated as Holocaust Remembrance Day. That’s today, April 12th. In honor of this important day, I would like to […]
Today as a part of our ongoing A to Z look at teen issues, teen fiction and more, author Mary Amato is discussing Anne Frank and diaries with us. On March 28, 1944 a radio address changed Anne Frank’s relationship to her diary. Gerrit Bolkestein, the Dutch Minster for Education, Art, and Science gave the […]
As I contemplate where to put this in YA A to Z, I realize there are far too many options. D for drugs, or death. E for epidemic, as our country is facing a devastating opioid epidemic. G for guilt. H for Heroine. S for shame. I wanted to put it up now as opposed […]
Today for YA A to Z author Diana Rodriguez Wallach is talking with us about disinformation and “fake news”. I’m often asked, “What sort of research did you do for your novel?” For me, that’s a loaded question. The Anastasia Phoenix series is set around the world, so I traveled overseas to Italy, England, and […]
Today for YA A to Z we’re discussing Designer Drugs with author Anna Hecker If you frequent raves or EDM festivals, you might sometimes see a neon-yellow table covered in candy, condoms, earplugs, and bright postcards. Get closer, and you’ll notice the postcards each name a drug, from alcohol and nicotine to MDMA and LSD. […]
Today for YA A to Z, guest poster Cindy Shutts is talking dragons! Dragons are beasts that have lived in the imagination of people all over the world and bring an element of mythology and world building to the canon of Young Adult Fiction. Patricia Wrede changed the role of dragons in Young Adult Fiction […]
Today as we continue YA A to Z, our very own TLTer Ally Watkins is discussing Comics 101 with us. She writers our monthly Collecting Comics feature. Comics are wildly popular and fun, but they aren’t always the easiest thing to collect for libraries. But our patrons love comics, so a little information about how […]
Today for the letter C, librarian Lisa Clark is talking about Classic Hollywood in YA Literature. When I was in grade school, my dad showed me the 1950 movie Harvey starring James Stewart. From that moment, I was enamored with Old Hollywood. With a certain charm and innocence to them, these movies are classics for […]
Here we are in Febrauary, so we’re on the letters C and D for the YA A to Z project. Today, author Amber Hart is sharing some charming characters from YA with us. The 2018 TLT Project: YA A to Z My favorite characters in YA often have the type of personality that leaps off […]
This YA A to Z post on Best Frenemies, is a little bit late for the letter B (I missed some letters, sorry), but it’s the perfect pre-Valentine’s day post. The 2018 TLT Project: YA A to Z Best Frenemies to Lovers in YA I’m so excited to be here at the Teen Librarian Toolbox […]