I was speaking to someone the other day about the issue of growing poverty in the U.S. when the friend shocked me by victim blaming kids living in poverty. The most surprising part of it all was that this friend is a social work major who is going into the field to help children. She […]
Teens and Poverty: PBS Newshour Discusses Being Homeless and Trying to Graduate High School
Coe Booth, Do Something, Education, Ellen Hopkins, High School, Poverty, Smoke, Teen Issues, Teens, Todd Strasser, Tyrell
|As I thought about writing my post earlier today about teachers, I couldn’t help but think of my 4th grade teacher. I remember her name, I remember what she looked like, and I remember the intense hatred I had for her. You see, in the 4th grade my parents separated and divorced. We went from […]
After watching all of the Doctor Who reboot, the next logical step is to watch Torchwood, a spin-off involving Captain Jack Harkness. Learn from my mistakes though, don’t watch it with your children. Torchwood is no Doctor Who. However I will say that the Torchwood miniseries Children of Earth may be one of the best […]
Harper Collins March 2014 ISBN: 9780062014559 Small town life can be a desperate life. There is often not a lot to do, so teens get creative – which brings us to Panic. Panic is a game that only seniors can play. It takes place over the summer and those who announce themselves as contenders are […]
Ah, the end of the year. Time to reflect on all that we have accomplished in 2013 (or not). Or, really, it’s time to go on vacation and I need a quick and easy post. Plus, we have new followers (**waves hi**) and you may have missed these posts, which we really like and want […]
This week, the New York Times brought us an unparalleled view into the life of the homeless youth of America with it’s story “Invisible Child” by Andrea Elliott. The entire five part series is a bit overwhelming in its devastatingly honest look at the life of one child who represents so many of our children […]
Sunday Reflections: Imagining Others Complexly (by Robin)
A. S. King, Empathy, Healthcare, Laurie Halse Anderson, Poverty, Sunday Reflections, The Impossible Knife of Memory
|I have to admit, I’ve been really discouraged lately. All of the recent events in Washington DC, with the roll out of the Affordable Care Act website and the government shutdown, with it’s corresponding misinformation and lack of information, bringing our country up to the very brink of default for no particular reason, etc., has […]
The Economy as Villain in The Year of Shadows by Claire LeGrand (Book Review)
Book Reviews, Claire Legrand, Ghosts, Poverty, The Year of Shadows
|The economy went bust in 2008 and people everywhere are struggling. The news keeps reminding us that more and more people are making less and less money, children are going hungry, and recovery has been slow. But you wouldn’t know it from a lot of the books being written for middle grade and teen readers; […]
Read More About Hunger Action Month at TLT and Feeding America Readers of this blog know that we have a heart for hunger and poverty in the lives of our teens. In fact, as I write this post, yet another job situation in my personal life means that without drastic changes, we will be unable […]
September is Hunger Action Month. Since 2008, the number of families facing Food Insecurity has risen dramatically. Last night on NPR they stated that 54 million families and 17 million children in the United States don’t know where their next meal may be coming from. And yesterday morning in church they announced that the North […]