Time and time again, we read about the white washing of book covers. And all those pretty book covers with model like beauties with long, flowing hair wearing long, flowing dresses – usually seen gracing the covers of paranormal romance. (See: Body Image and YA Book Covers) But today THEY HAVE GONE TO FAR. Look […]
Girls Against Girls {Book Review, Discussion & Giveaway}
Bonnie Burton, Bullying, Feminism, Gender issues, Girls, Girls Against Girls, Nonfiction, Teen Issues, Zest Books
|My heart speeds up. I see a single bead of sweat start to fall down my cheek. Soon that bead of sweat will be a tear, but not quite yet. She is coming. I stand at the bus stop waiting to go to school and she is coming. I am in the 5th grade, alternately […]
“‘Cause I’m just a girl, little ‘ol me Don’t let me out of your sight I’m just a girl, all pretty and petite So don’t let me have any rights” – No Doubt, Just a Girl I watch the Walking Dead. I have seen every episode. Afterwards, I hop online and go to the forums […]
I watched my first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer my freshman year of college. I went home for a weekend because I was distraught after breaking up with my high school boyfriend. My younger sister, in an attempt to cheer me up, said, “at least your ex-boyfriend isn’t going around killing your friends,” and […]