Cindy Crushes Programming: My Top Ten Craft Supplies
Cindy Crushes Programming, Crafts, DIY, Programming, Programming Resources, Teen Programming, Teen Programming in a Box, Teen Programs in a Box
|Teen Librarian Cindy Shutts shares what she keeps in her craft supply toolbox so she's always ready for the next DIY craft program
Cindy Crushes Programming: Seurat Inspired Paintings
Art, Cindy Crushes Programming, Crafts, DIY, Teen Programming, Teen Programming in a Box
|Teen Librarian Cindy Shutts shares a quick, easy and inexpensive teen craft inspired by the art works of Georges Seurat
Teen Librarians Cindy Shutts and Samantha Burkiewicz walk us through a DIY Jack Skellington craft
Making grab and go craft kits for tweens and teens? Never underestimate the joy of mixing and playing with DIY playdough. Yes, even for tweens and teens.
If you're going to play a Game of Gnomes, you're going to need a Gnome Trophy. Here's how we made ours at TLT.
Just in time for Frozen II, Cindy Shutts walks us through a DIY hair bow tutorial.
DIY your own Sharpie watercolor tiles with this easy walk through shared by teen librarian Cindy Shutts.
Librarian Cindy Shutts walks us through a quick, easy craft that turns silhouettes into framed art.
Make a cool DIY neon sign with teens or for your teen space.
Turn plain mugs into works of art using this simple DIY tutorial.