Take 5: Sex/Consent Positive Books (The #SVYALit Project)
#SVYALit Project, Collection Development, Consent, Reader's Advisory, Sex Positive
|If we’re going to use YA literature to talk about sexual violence, to discuss what it looks like and the destruction it can leave in its wake, then we must also use YA literature to talk about consent and what healthy sexual experiences can and should look like. Literature, books, are a window into the […]
More about consent from The Feminist Anthropologist She was 2 years old. I had just strapped her into her car seat which held her in pretty tightly. We were getting ready to pull out of her grandma’s driveway, but we weren’t going far – just to run some errands and such. “Can Grandma have a […]
Who Will Save You? Boundaries, Rescue and the Role of Adults in the Lives of Teens in YA Lit
Adults in YA Lit, Ashley Elston, Boundaries, Consent, Eleanor and Park, Flawed, Kate Averlynn, Rainbow Rowell, The Rules for Disappearing
|Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! Eventually I will tell you what titles I am talking about and why and you will be minorly spoiled. Not details of individual plots, but a general sense of what happens. Read on after the jump understanding that. Consider that your spoiler alert. The Set Up The last three books I […]