Book Review: Also Known As by Robin Benway
Book Reviews, Collaborative Summer Reading Program, Robin Benway, Spies
|After Angelo left, I circled the park once to see if there were any new locks that I hadn’t seen yet. They were still the same though, simple and easy to access, and I knocked back the rest of my espresso, spilling a drop on my white shirt (of course), and head hoe. My mom called […]
TPiB: Collaborative Summer Reading Program Movie Ideas
Beneath the Surface, Collaborative Summer Reading Program, Dig Into Reading, Movies, TPIB
|If you’re in one of the states that is participating in the Collaborative Summer Reading Program like I am, you are already thinking of ways to bring creative (and cheap) programming into your rotation. The manual has some wonderful ideas, and if you’re on pinterest there are TONS of boards. I’m always scouring for movie […]
Book Review: The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini
Book Reviews, Collaborative Summer Reading Program, Fantasy, gaming, Ned Vizzini, The Other Normals, YA Lit
|“All right,” Ada says, “I want you to listen very carefully.” She moves around the room with the confidence of an ER Doctor, opening panels on the walls, setting dials. The thakerak hums and purrs. “Whoa!” Gamary yells as a sword jabs through the door. “Open up!” a voice orders. The sword jerks up and down but, […]
Tweens in the Library: Getting Them Involved in Summer Reading Programming
Collaborative Summer Reading Program, involvement, Summer Reading, Tweens, Uncategorized
|I am a huge believer of keeping my patrons involved in our library. If they’re invested in the library and the community, they have a reason to come back, and feel like they belong. I’ve always felt that way, no matter what library I’ve worked in- large branch or small. Libraries are such a huge […]
TPiB: Beneath the Surface Ideas for Tweens/Teens
Collaborative Summer Reading Program, Dinosaurs, Law Enforcement, Minecraft, Mummies, Sharks, Spies, Summer Reading, Superheros, TPIB, Zombies
|Ah, February… the time when every teen services specialist thinks of candy hearts, chocolate tastings, and OMG, we have HOW MANY DAYS UNTIL SUMMER?!?!??! Do not fear! We at Teen Librarian Toolbox have not one, not two, but EIGHT different ideas that would fit in with the 2013 Collaborate Summer Reading Program Theme (Beneath the […]