Library Girl took me back to the forgotten memories of my childhood and the Kalamazoo Public Library. It took me back to that time in childhood when you are let loose from your parents’ leash and begin to explore the world on your own.
I know there are readers who are tired of love triangles, and I don’t blame them. But I’m also a firm believer that no trope is overdone until everyone has had an equal chance to play with it, especially authors from marginalized backgrounds.
Told in verse and full of references to books Kareem has read, this is a beautiful story of hope, empathy, confidence, and courage.
Check out these titles by queer and BIPOC authors that will satisfy young readers as we approach spooky season
A good read that's a bit demanding, a fact that certainly won't scare off the library kids like Essie who love to read.
As always, a list of five is only sharing a tiny bit of what’s new this month. Check your local library for other new releases!
How do we make the world safe for all of us to express our emotions? To begin with, we need to stick together as we cry and laugh our way through the world.
A fantastic fast-paced environmental mystery with wide appeal.
Using Magical Realism to Tackle Tough Topics in Middle Grade, a guest post by Heather Murphy Capps
|These days, writing and recommending books about tough subjects can feel risky…but there’s never been a time when it’s more necessary to offer readers greater depth and breadth of subjects and diversity of characters.
When I started working on my novel A Second Chance on Earth, I wanted to capture, in verse, the beauty and complexity of a Colombia that I love so intensely.