This is what I’d like to pass along to young readers: No one is perfect. Every one of us has our flaws, but we can grow and change, make a difference and achieve great things.
Please enjoy some new middle grade graphic novels out this month. And remember, reading comics is real reading!
Benthic burrows, rabbit holes, whatever you call them: they are detours well worth the extra mileage. And mostly—they’re not even detours. They’re part of the journey.
This well-written look at one farm girl's eventful few months reminds us that we all have stories and challenges and that unexpected events and connections teach us things, even if they're lessons and truths we'd rather not know.
While depression can be debilitating - I definitely don’t want to minimize its seriousness - it’s important for readers to meet role models who successfully manage their mental health and manage to achieve their familial and career ambitions.
I’ve been thinking for a while about the question of how stories relate to truth.
This list of recent-ish middle grade titles looks at gun violence in places that include schools but also take place in other spaces.
Deeply affecting and beautifully written, this look at the lengths women will go to to protect and aid one another is a necessary and exceptional read.
And as an author, I’ve had the privilege of seeing the effect teachers and librarians have every time I visit a school.
Science makes you think, but like art or literature, it can also make you laugh, dream, see and appreciate the world, or even just your own brain, in new, exciting ways.