November 23, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today I bring you a guest post from one of my all time favorite people – my nine year old son! He’s just the tiniest bit obsessed with Doctor Who at the moment. He asks to watch episodes during almost all of his free time. He dressed as Tennant for Halloween. Ten is “his Doctor”. […]
November 22, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This Doctor Who post is being brought to you from our Doctor Who Week companion (see what I did there) Maria Selke from Maria’s Melange. Today I bring you another guest post from one of my all time favorite people – my nine year old son! Source BBCAmerica We were discussing an article I had […]
May 23, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Tweens and teens in my library are separated not only by that HUGE stretch of year (twelve going to thirteen) but by what they are interested in. My teens seem to want movie programs where they can chill, do crafts, and play games in corners and socialize, or gaming programs where we have a variety […]
March 21, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I am a huge believer of keeping my patrons involved in our library. If they’re invested in the library and the community, they have a reason to come back, and feel like they belong. I’ve always felt that way, no matter what library I’ve worked in- large branch or small. Libraries are such a huge […]
February 18, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
How is Middle Grade fiction different than YA fiction? The simple answer to this question is that in middle grade, the protagonists are usually between ages 9-13 or 14. With young adult, the protagonists are in their mid to late teens. You tend to see a lot of them at about 16 or 17. TLT […]
October 1, 2011 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today is October 1 which means Halloween is right around the corner. So it’s time to get your spook on with some wicked (and wickedly cool) programming. For this this event we are going to look at monster inspired crafts, food and games and turn October into Monstrober, a rip roaring Monster Fest. You can […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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